Art by Suzunosuke. Awesome!!! Another collaboration between Mothy and Suzunosuke, I'm in heaven. xD Featuring Gakupo and the sexy girls, at first, it might sound a lot like some BGM from an Indian film, but I got used to it pretty fast~ More info after the cut!
Watch the videos on Nico or Youtube!! I planned to post this on the day it was out, but due to my busy schedule it was delayed. I'll be only commenting on my favourites, so don't expect too much. xD
Was out with my friends one day and we saw this freaking thick bracelet twice as thick as Maya's. Joking, I said we need to watch out whenever we see anyone wearing such a bracelet. Why, you ask? Check that image up there again. You wouldn't it to be used as a knuckle protector on you do you?
Lesson learned, accessories are no doubt a girl's best friend. xD
I really don't know how to describe this season's anime!! It's a total mixture of fantasy-like beings and horrifying creatures from fantasy and scifi stories!! xD
Here it is. I didn't bother translating the Japanese raws cause half of the time I don't even know what they're talking about. And yeah, I'll edit this post later since I did it in a rush. So unless you don't mind some minor/major mistakes in the translation, you might want to check it out again after I've edited... I have finally edited this post. Enjoy~
Bird is a song that I fell in love at first sight!!! Thanks to Kuroshitsuji II, I'm in love with 松下優也 (Matsushita Yuya)~ It's been quite a while since I've heard an addictive song from a real life male singer. Rain, one of FMAB's ED was good, but I'm not a fan of SID's voice so it never made it to my playlist...