Tegami Bachi 44 - Surprise!

It's finally here. Yay~

Summary: Continue from the previous chapter, Lag asks what happened to Gauche when he was in he capital. Gauche tells him that he wasn't sure either since his memory is in a mess. While Lag is still upset, Gauche comforts Lag saying that he really treasures the moment he can spend with everyone at the table eating Sylvette's delicious (to Gauche yes it is) meal.

Back to Zazie and Jiggy, Jiggy does some stunts to improve his popularity catch up with the evil dragonfly. But Jiggy's bike is no match with Zazie riding together with him.

So both the bees' dingos show up and try to distract the dragonfly to slow it down. In an attempt to distract the dragonfly from catching Harry (I think that's how it's spell), our brave puma is caught. Luckily, Mock Sullivan is just ahead to save everyone with his cobra dingo.

Unlike Lag and Zazie's dingos, Mock's dingo acts as a living-tonic that bites him to give him a power-up.

*drum rolls*
Mock Sullivan in power-up mode is full of craziness.

More flashy madness from Mock.
Thanks to his attack, Mock manages to attract the dragonfly to lower itself to the heart fragments he spreads out as bait.
(I got a feeling that he'd be pretty fun to have in a rock party...)

When the dragonfly gaichuu is low enough, Aria commences with her attack with her lovely violin performance.

There we have the second blow.

The Bees' attacks end with Jiggy firing his best shot at the dragonfly while Zazie is made to drive the bike in Jiggy's place. Sadly, Jiggy's attack is only enough to knock off another wing from the dragonfly. With two wings left, the dragonfly flees while the bees are stuck at the river bank.

However wonderful Jiggy may be, he has his own limits like any normal people. After all the chasing and shooting, Jiggy finds his hands trembling from fatigue. Luckily, Aria is there to heal them with her lovely violin.

Back to Lag, dinner is over and everyone, except him is asleep at the moment. Finally realising his feelings for Sylvette, he goes to her room to kiss her but was interrupted by Steak. OK THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Lag is actually in love with Gauche. No wait, I WAS KIDDING. Lag has been thinking a lot since he saw Gauche's memories and goes to check out Sylvette just in case she gets upset with what he plans to do later. Seeing that Sylvette is fast asleep and smiling in her dream, Lag feels bad and tears at the thought of something disturbing.

At the roof top, Gauche is staring at the distant man-made sun while looking cool. Lag then appears and confronts him on how much he has found out about Gauche from his memories. Lag states that after seeing Gauche's memories starting from where Gauche was found by the evil boss of Reverse, the one deep inside Gauche is Noir instead of Gauche. Lag then asks Gauche was he lying to them all the time based on the memories of Lag from the Shindanjuu Gauche received earlier.

And here comes the bomb.
Lag: "You're not Gauche, you're Noir...!!!"

That was so cruel of Asada-sensei to leave us at a bloody cliffhanger like that. So who is this in front of Lag? Is Noir a split-personality of Gauche or a doopleganger/long-lost-twin/clone? GaaaaaaaaaahhhI'mdyingofcuriosityalready!!!!!!

As for the attack on that giant dragonfly, it went as I expected. No way Zazie, Jiggy, Aria and Mock can finish that thing. Never in a Shonen manga or any other category it lies. Why? Because the hero/heroine (crybaby or not) is the destined one to finish it to show their hero-ness. And to do that, Lag will have to demonstrate how he can roast that bug easily while it took so much for the rest just to rip off two wings from its back.

Kay, that's it for now. Back to my assignments!!


  1. How cruel :( i wonder when will u translate it? wanna read it so badly :(

  2. Yep. A cliffhanger... NOoooooooooooo... T_T

    Thanks for the summary! ^_^

  3. Much thanks for the summary! :D
    Mock = Ultimate LOL

    You know, I'd never wondered before if Gauche and Noir are two people...it would make sort of sense... or else they're gonna have to do a lot more to get Gauche back from being Noir

    Uwaaaaa T_T

  4. Thank you very much for the summary.

    Personally I think Hiroyuki's cliffhanger is ingenious, as it is one of the key methods of keeping the audience wanting more and not being bored.

    And plus I got word that the new chapter should be coming in on the 4th, so answers shall be given at last on the identity of the man before Lag: Is it the old Guache Suede? Noir of Reverse? Or even perhaps a combination of both worlds with a new role to play in this story?

  5. gaaah cliffhangers X.x

    I always had a sneaking suspicion that there was something different about Gauche after he woke up.

    The thing is though, I always just thought Noir was Gauche, after he learned the truth (whatever it may be) about the capital. iirc Lawrence told him he was Gauche after he woke up from losing his heart, but Gauche chose to become Noir of his own will after seeing Reverse's side of things.

    This makes me think that maybe Reverse isn't all evil (and the real ppl are the Amberground government), after all, they were ppl who the capital have done something to...

    1. I think it has more to do with heart. The Gauche we were introduced to isn't even Gauche tbh because part of his heart was taken on the day of flicker. After whatever happens in the capital he lost even more of his heart and signifies it by identifying as Noir. Even when memories of Gauche are returned to him, he cant fill the missing part of his heart. I think part of him wanted to be Gauche again, but realized that with his heart the way it is that is no longer possible. But that being said, Noir's heart was changed by the delivery of Lag's memories...so who is he now?

      Sidebar I love this concept of affirming people's identity based on the condition and changes of their heart.

  6. I love this phrase! XD

    Jiggy does some stunts to improve his popularity

    thank you!

    MKahr from Tokyo

  7. I Love Tegami Bachi!!
    Zazie and Jiggy and Gauche are so cool
