Tegami Bachi REVERSE END

No more Jiggy Pepper. *cries*

Lag gets ridiculously powerful and finished the bug problem while he glows like a sun. (Nothing to be surprise, Tegami Bachi is a shounen series so this is perfectly legal) The rest of the episode mainly focuses on the lives of other characters without really exposing of Lag's true identity and his story with his Sunny-mum.

As for Noir, he didn't die after all the drama.

Noir: Sorry I tricked ya all into thinking I was dead.

Noir has decided that he'll be living with those who couldn't be spirits aka his waifu Roda and his new found kids.

And so he bids farewell to everyone and gives Lag a hug.
*Now I feel unfair for Sylvette, is she not Gauche's sister? How come Lag gets a hug and she nothing?? D;*

Despite receiving nothing from her shota-con brother, Sylvette happily waves goodbye to them along with others.

Noir turns back and smiles at them.

And so does Roda, who now thinks of Lag as her friend.

Next we have Zazie talking with Connor about their waifus pets precious one.

More cat-loving Zazie.

Also, we have a glimpse of Jiggy Pepper looking awesome on his bike.
*Yes it's Jiggy again, because he's too awesome to appear once only.
I wouldn't mind if they make a spinoff on Jiggy Pepper's adventure!!! xD*

Finally, this finale ends with Lag delivering letters as a proud Letter Bee with Nichi and Steak.

Final Thoughts:

And that concludes the anime of Tegami Bachi.

While everyone got a happy ending in the end, too happy in fact, we're still left with some mysteries unanswered. Needless to say, everyone's pretty much dying to know 'How did Lag's mum got out of Akatsuki?' 'How did she become the sun?' 'With a sunny-mummy like that does it make Lag a mini-solar-ball?' 'What's with his spirit-amber eye?' and etc. No worries though, since our letter bees shall return with a season 3. I WISH. It's ok, we still have the manga. So we'll just have to get our answers directly from Asada-sensei.

I love Tegami Bachi, both its manga and anime. If you ask me which one I like the best, I can't really say. And that's rare, for I'd usually, like most of the time, prefer the manga to the anime. Fullmetal Alchemist, old and new, are an exception, because BONES had simply done a fantastic job in animating my beloved characters. As for the rest, I can't really remember and this shows that I'm more of a manga person, I can't recall how many times has an anime disappointed me, or sort of bored the hell out of me after a few episodes.

Leaving the story aside, the animation was fabulous. I simply love the lovely sky, those tiny spiky fragments of heart and the lighting effects to bits. Not to mention that the characters retained their looks like 99.9% of the time, I'm just glad that Tegami Bachi was animated properly and succesfully unlike Pandora Hearts (what a watse). While the story did get a little slow in those mini adventures of letter-delivering, they were enjoyable, relaxing and very sweet.

Personally, I think Lag cries too much, but that's just Lag being Lag, and I enjoy seeing Lag being himself. As for Gauche, I feel, pretty sad that he's dead. Yes, Gauche is Noir and Noir is Gauche and blah-blah-blah, they're not the same person anymore. Noir doesn't care about Sylvette's legs or Aria anymore, he has a new family, he doesn't hold the same feeling for his sister and his ex-lover as he did back then. But Sylvette and Aria are content enough just to see Gauche alive even though he is Gauche no more, so that's all it matters when you truly care about someone.

It's a pity we didn't get to see a grownup Lag and Nichi, that would be awesome. :D A third season maybe too much, perhaps a movie to wrap up some loose ends instead?


  1. the end of Tegami Bachi make me cry D;

  2. Dang...that can't be right...I wouldn't want Roda to be Gauche's waifu! Setai ni yurusenai! Onna wa, inu da..INU! X<
    Gauche wa, daisuki! ♥_____♥

  3. I can't help thinking that at the end Lag and Noir/Gauche came back to the beginning; both of them hugged at the town gate, Lag stayed and Noir/Gauche left with Roda.

    @Yume I can't disagree with you. Roda is Roda. She's not Noir/Gauche waifu.
