悪ノ物語 (Story of Evil) feat. Kagamine Len

Congratulations to Len for Aku no Meshitsukai (Servant of Evil) to hit 2 million view on Nico!!!! xD Moreover, Aku no Meshitsukai is the first Len song to achieve that!! Three cheers to Mothy for being such an wonderful producer!!
Ok I know the illustration above is from Aku no Musume (Daughter of Evil), but it belongs to the Aku series so never mind. xD

【鏡音レン】悪ノ召使 (Aku no Meshitsukai/Servant of Evil)

I can't find the original PV of Aku no Meshitsukai on Youtube, so here's the fanmade version I like the best~ Pretty illustrations please my eyes~

Original PV
Nico link
Download mp3 here!

Aku no Meshitsukai Act 2 (Mothy used Len's Act 2 Voicebank for this)
Nico link.
Download mp3 here!

Aku series is the Vocaloid music series that got me into the world of Vocaloids. Though, I wasn't that into the song until I read the whole story of the series from the different POV and individual songs from the respective Vocaloids.

For more info, check this out!!

The story itself was sad and touching, and Len's Servant of Evil seemed to show us that Rin isn't as evil as she looks in Daughter of Evil. Besides that, Aku no Meshitsukai has everything I like, with its doses of tragic siblings love, pretty illustrations, and of course the brilliant song, I took the bait. And it isn't only the music that's good, the story itself is good enough to write a novel, or even an anime-adaptation (Hopefully!! xD I'd die if that happens!!!)

【鏡音レン】悪ノ召使~velvet mix~ (Aku no Meshitsukai Velvet Mix)

Nico link.
Download mp3 here!
Velvet mix version of Aku no Meshitsukai by Mothy to celebrate the Kagamines' birthday! It's more classical than the original version

Of course, Aku no Meshitsukai's popularity not only leads to the creation of many different fanmade version of the PVs, it has a number of MMD and cosplay version as well!!!

Korean Cosplayers' Version:

The cosplayers, are so darn pretty I must say. At first glance one might think these cosplayers are those popular ball-joint dolls!!! Too bad I can't say that I like Rin very much. Pretty yes, but she looks so weak, fragile and lacks the evil aura of what Evil Rin should have.

Japanese Cosplayers' Version:

A lot less pretty than the Korean version. But still, a job well done!!!

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